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Wednesday, 26 September 2007


And so ends IMU Cup. Thank goodness. Really would want to get back to the normal life again. Cheerleading was the last event, and I thought we did really really well - all our dances and stunts were executed perfectly. Apparently not perfect enough for the judges who, in my humble opinion, are blind old hags. Even if we were fated not to win just now, at least give the medal to a more deserving batch! Instead it went to the batch whose only cheers came from their own batch people. Pathetic.

Oh and I am so damn wrong, and I am not afraid to admit it. Our supporters were really good. Well, relatively speaking it was like Monaco compared to the size of the other batches, but they were loud and they cheered us on really well. Excellent job M107! May the next IMU Cup bring more medals that we so obviously deserve, and hopefully more participation as well from a greater number of people in the batch.

This is changing the topic but do you notice how people can be such hypocrites at times? Extremely hypocritical. Not only do they not do what they say, but they do the exact opposite of it! Sometimes I wonder why the human race is the most advanced species among all the animals. Such disappointment comes out from homo sapiens. Can someone give me any reason at all for me to say that I am sorry that we are all going to die one day?


peasantboy said...

no need to mourn over imu cup. just a cup right ? :) didn't get to see your batch performance, but it prob was great. anyhow, about your hypocrite bit, all i can say is, as long as u don't be like that, then good la :)

Jonathan said...

That's true...