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Sunday, 18 November 2007

Virology II

Tomorrow is Sunday.

And Monday the day after.

Scared? Nervous?

I bet you are.

I am.


I hope it's enough.

1) Covered Sem 1 & 2
2) Covered Sem 1 & 2 again
3) Past year questions
4) Group discussions
5) Prayers. LOTS needed

Someone said this to me I just can't quite remember who, but he said that being a medical student you will always find that no matter how many times you have studied you will never feel that it is quite enough, and the urge to just continue reading and reading like a paranoid maniac will always be there. I guess I wouldn't know THAT feeling haha. Joking. Not. No seriously I am.

Even now as I am typing this I am memorizing Parvovirus B19 causes aplastic crisis, polyarthralgia if it is transmitted by blood transfusion, erythema infectiosum if by aerosol and hydrops fetalis if it is congenital. Brilliant.