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Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Day 29

Everything is ready. Packed. Just have to settle some cheques tomorrow. Holy shits I'm getting closer and closer to what I've been waiting for since January. Just one more last day of teachings tomorrow afternoon and I'm seriously seriously done with 3rd Year. 

Listening to Royal Radio now all the way from The Netherlands lol. For some reason my widget can't play Kerrang! UK radio station sobs. That station is the best radio station. That and Kiss 100 FM. Guess I need to open it in my Chrome then. KERRANG!!!! Playing all the awesome rock songs. In fact as I type this, they are playing the new single Crossfire by Brandon Flowers (The Killers). Loving it. All the new songs I can get first hand and unlike all the stations in Malaysia which - not to say are not good - mostly play overrated and overplayed R&B songs. Can't stand it. Hip-hop is fine I suppose depending on the mood, but please no R&B.

In spite of all the downloads and free music, radio is somehow still the best. I guess its the surprise factor; the fact that you have no idea what song they are going to play next. Plus its nice to hear the DJs, well most of them anyway.