The gf gave me:
1) Cool-looking gift box
2) Photo frame with our best photos
3) Body Shop perfume!
4) Springfield sweater in which she sewed a heart on the left-sleeve. I love it :)
5) A lovely card with Junior in it haha
Karmen gave me a tee which said 'RETARDED' -_- 'Thanks' dear lol.
The rest gave me a black vest from Seed. I see my winter clothes are slowly coming in haha. And of course a cake which they pushed my head in. Especially that KSL who used both her hands wtfish.
Visa finally applied. Hopefully no more hitches and it should be done next Tuesday. A part of me really can't wait to start UK life (or rather life without parents around lol) but as the bee and I were talking last night, how cool it would be if she was there with me. Sigh.
Another day in paradise.
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