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Saturday, 4 July 2009


Happy happy 4 months to us! Wanted to upload a photo of us but the net here is killing me. I miss you Erica Mak, and yes I love you so much, I really do. Can't wait to spend every single moment together in the future babydear.

Kind of sad though...it is the 1st of (yes I am reluctant to say this but it's the fact) many more month-saries I am not going to be able to spend with the bee physically. Ok not kind of sad now that I said it out; it is damn effing sad. Sighh. At least we'll have Skype and I will decorate my room and wear a party hat ok?

You know how we wish for something but we only get 50% of what we wished for? It's quite annoying actually cuz you'll feel happy and upset at the same time. Just like how I am heading back to KL - finally - but my mum and my sister might and should be coming along. Hope they wouldn't tag along everywhere I go with the gf -_- Plus I might only be there for a week! Argh. I secretly hope I wouldn't be able to buy anything suitable and my glasses will take ages to complete so I can stay longer. Or so that I can go back to KL again after my visa is done.

Stupid visa.