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Wednesday, 28 May 2008

A Big Nothing

Yes! 3 more notes to the end of CVS. Then I can do the OSCE part of it. Gosh I'm really disgusted by studying so much everyday. Though this morning the gf and I did plan and managed to go and catch Indiana Jones at the movies. Not bad at all considering his old age. Had lunch at Kim Gary's. Really wanted to eat the asparagus and mushroom with the baked double cheese thing but they took so damn long to send it to us. Speaking of which I am hungry now. Crap. My hunger pangs are lately just beginning to rage and spiral out of control.

And the gf is super pissed cuz the net is s l o w e r t h a n e v e r.

Everything in life happens for a reason, and I see it now more than ever. And some people think by posting anonymous comments they are so great and can say whatever they want. Here is a thought to all of them - since brains are a rarity nowadays - why not say what you want to the person directly, face to face, instead of hiding behind a fake name and being a coward? I mean, after all, you all obviously have so much imperious wisdom to share with the rest of us mere mortals?

This is not intended to anyone in particular, just speaking up for a friend (and also shielding myself heh). Ok back to Wegener's granulomatosis.


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