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Wednesday, 28 October 2009

ups n downs

Sigh. Now I'm starting to be depressed. No idea why. The haunting empty feeling creeping and seeping its way into my veins. Bitch. Games, music and movies just don't have that cheering up effect anymore. Come on Family Guy why are you taking so long to release the new episodes?! Watching it straight from Season 1 to 7 can be quite helpful.

Quite the happy guy earlier though during my GP attachment. Managed to point out fibromyalgia in a patient who has chronic fatigue syndrome. Lol partly a good guess I suppose didn't even do the diagnostic 18-point test thing. And though the GP said it might just be a psychological condition in this patient. O well take what you are given I suppose.

But got reprimanded by another GP the other day for not knowing the haemodynamics of the heart in aortic stenosis. Zzzzz. Shit have to read up more on the conditions that are more common over here, like what Dr Annie Tay said -_- No idea on multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, Huntington's and the other autoimmunes.

Still hate pharmacology. All the side effects and shit. All the GPs here are lucky they use computers to take history and all the patient's previous case notes are stored on the computer. I guess they have to as the GPs here operate differently - they don't just treat cough and cold lol. More like an outpatients dept. When the drugs are going to be prescribed, if there are any side effects with other drugs, it will show on the screen. Malaysia should really up their tech.