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Wednesday, 16 April 2008


I think now I am quite confident about my campaign speech already. The batch response was good, as was the individual responses. Then I found out that there may be 2 sports reps after all. Hmm. But still people, remember to vote for me! Cuz this is all not confirmed yet, and there may only be one after all.

I must start studying haematology. How how how I don't think I can finish studying. Die.

And I think I am becoming less sarcastic, though maybe it is a good thing as my literature teacher Miss Wilson used to say in her Aussie accent, "My darlings, a sarcastic tongue is the Devil's weapon." Also she used to ask us to shut up when we are too noisy in class, "Do you people have verbal diarrhea?!" Ahh sweet memories of an international school.

Speaking of which, I do miss my international school A LOT. Other than the issue with the ex-gf, everything there was brilliant and I loved my teachers. All eccentric and foul-mouthed. Ok maybe not foul-mouthed, but yea you get the picture. It was fun, easy-going and you actually learn more knowing that they are friendly and approachable and all. Not that I'm saying anything about IMU lecturers. All of you, if you still have the chance, should really experience studying in an international school like mine. Seriously it is an entirely different experience.

Ok must stop before I start reciting grandpa stories. Back to the current, back to SRC tasks. Woohoo?