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Thursday, 21 January 2010


You know what pisses me off? FUCKING SLOW INTERNET. Especially when you are paying tonnes for the fastest package deal.

I also hate not being able to head back to KL during the next 4 weeks due to my lack of funds =\

Life is just feeling strange lately. All of a sudden just lost the rush of life, the rush for life. Maybe I'm just tired. Progress test was kind of stupid with so many teenage pregnancy questions and bloody dementia/schizo/hyperventilation syndrome (zzz) and all the painkillers which in all sense are all correct and applicable depending on the individual doctors! FFS. Not to forget the best answer for anything in doubt - review in 6 months.

Need to rest this weary mind. Maybe the weekends might help.


ek said...

lol u miss out one. Refer to the specialist.