Another day out yesterday. Decided to head to the Digital Mall in Section14 to get my stuff, and it was not opened yet at 10.30am, so we went for McD breakfast! Though I really wanted to have the Prosperity burger.
Some things you only realize after it happens even though it has happened to you time and time again, and this is one of them - McD breakfast is expensive. Ah but what the heck. Most of the cash that I brought back here has been used for food anyway haha. Such pigs. Have to start rationing out before I run out of cash. Unless some bank here will accept Lloyds TSB debit card -_-Managed to get my ext hd and a Razor mouse as well sweeet. Decided against the 1TB hd as it was 3.5'' and I think that it would've occupied too much space in the luggage. Sad. It's the same price as the 2.5'' 500GB one that I got as well.
Then headed to The Curve! (to eat again)
The deco outside. Really love the Christmas season with all the deco. Gonna head to MidValley soon they always have awesome deco as well. Ahh Christmas is such a great holiday season eh? Though we don't know why we are having Christmas as a holiday, or why it is named "Christ -mas" as well since it has nothing to do with Christ as well and more to do with the Pagans and their Dies Natalis Sol Invicti or something my Chemistry teacher used to tell me lol. GASP sacrilege! Or not.
Ah but who cares. As long as people are happy and companies are making money out of it then the world is a happier place no?
And my fav shot of the day :) Can't wait to go out later! And having family dinner as well tonight lol. Got to hit the showers then. Vista just always feels like home for some reason. Plus the weather hasn't been bad since I'm in the 22nd floor. Need better net to play the games to use my mouse!!
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