But helpless pieces in the game He plays Upon this chequer-board of Nights and Days He hither and thither moves, and checks ... and slays Then one by one, back in the Closet lays.
This has got to be the best phone out there now. Honestly. It is just so damn awesome I feel like getting one for myself as well! Sorry baby it was meant to be a surprise but yea FedEx is, well, expensive mostly due to the charges at the Malaysian customs, and no one is heading back to KL now as well. But man, fuck me silly, because this phone is just so good! Compared to this my LG is shit sorry to say. What can I say, Sony Ericsson is still the best.
Speaking of which one of my phones just died on me. My SE K810i sobs :( I use that phone to call back home and I was restarting the phone and it just didn't want to start up anymore. Just displayed flashing lights. Sad. 3 years now it has let a good life. Means I need to get a phone for my Orange sim card. !@%$!%~$!%#!@
Yes yes I'm 21. But who gives a shit when it comes to comics. Seriously. Plus this is a freaking encyclopedia, which come to think of it, I would read ten times more than anatomy books. Pictures are less than perfect I noticed the lighting in my room sucks and I didn't want to use flash. Well I was just lazy to tinker with the aperture settings as I really wanna get back to the book haha.
DC universe freaking rules! Marvel is just annoying with their Iron Man, Spidey, Hulk, F4, X-Men etc etc.
20 pounds well spent I would definitely say. Hardcover as well.
The Aberdeen people came and left, and I wish them all the luck up there in the cold north. It was great fun having a big group around again with familiar faces. Especially talking nonsense till 4 - 5am with Nagen haha. Gonna miss them all as the house becomes empty again and the weather just isn't going to improve. Grey grey grey grey grey clouds can drive people to depression - hence the insanely high rate of depression among people here. Can't blame them. Never in my life have I been missing the sun so much. Never thought of how important it is; both heat and rays of brightness. Looking out now all I see grey clouds, wet roads and dirty brown brick roofs. Sounds like something from an Oasis music video but it ain't glamorous at all. Sure, it is peaceful, but it is equally as dead.
Some things are just meant to be. Just as how some people are meant for each other. How does one know though? I mean, among the millions of people in the world, why her? Why him? I suppose it depends on each individual to decide this, but for me, all I can say is that when I am down and out and feeling like shit, you called right on time to brighten up my day and you are the only one that can do that. I love you bee.
My gift from Malaysia. Thanks baby I love you muchly :) I know times have been tough of late but as always we will pull through it all. Plus it is our 13month-sary as well! I already know this, but I will not stop reminding myself how lucky I am to be with someone like you Erica.
Also thanks to Rachel who brought it over. Yea the Aberdeen people have been here and Preston is one of their stops haha. Jenan and Terrence Peter were here for the past two days and we will meet up with them again tomorrow in Manchester. Been having drinking parties with Nagen coming over from Leeds as well, but I just wasn't up for it last night sorry guys.